"Escape from OKTOGONIA"

"Escape from OKTOGONIA"for ZX Spectrum 48k


Go up till LEVEL 1 to escape. Move with keyboard numbers row or clicking on arrow buttons below.








Original ZX Spectrum ROM © Amstrad PLC.
Amstrad have kindly given their per­mission for the redistribution of their copyrighted material but retain that copyright.

1. News

WON "Public's Choice" special award!

April 16, 2020: "Escape from OKTOGONIA" has won "Public's Choice" special award on the BASIC 10 Liner Contest 2020

April 5, 2020: "Escape from OKTOGONIA" ranked 18 out of 86 on the BASIC 10 Liner Contest 2020 (PUR-80 category).

Give LIKE on Twitter!
March 26, 2020: The release of Escape from OKTOGONIA has been announced on El Mundo del Spectrum.
March 20, 2020: This game has been submitted to the BASIC 10 Liner Contest 2020.

2. Code (download TAP file)

0        1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
1 DATA "68427153","344322234345432123",254,9,104: READ g$,d$,q,w,h: DIM r(10,9) 2 DATA 0,0,2,0,2,2,0,2,-2,2,-2,0,-2,-2,0,-2,2,-2: LET l=q: LET c=w: LET i=l*l+c 3 PAPER 0: INK 4: CLS: RESTORE 2: LET o=c-INT (c/2)*2: PLOT h,15: FOR z=1 TO 9 4 GO SUB 10: RANDOMIZE e: FOR u=1 TO 9: LET r(z,u)=INT (RND*9): NEXT u: READ v,b 5 LET r(10,z)=r(1,z)>5 OR r(z,z+4-(8 AND z>5))>5 OR w<1 OR w>=q*2 OR q>254 6 LET p=8*(NOT z-INT (z/2)*2 OR o): IF l<2 THEN PRINT "escaped oktogonia!": STOP 7 DRAW v*p,b*p: DRAW INK 4 AND r(10,z);v*p,b*p: DRAW v*p,b*p: NEXT z: PRINT l 8 PAUSE 0: LET k=ABS CODE INKEY$-48: IF k<1+(4 AND NOT o) OR k>8 THEN GO TO 8 9 LET z=CODE g$(k)-47: GO SUB 10: GO TO 2+(6 AND r(10,z)): REM © oktogonia.com 10 LET q=(l+CODE d$(z)-51): LET w=(c+CODE d$(z+9)-51): LET e=q*q+w: RETURN
code © victor@oktogonia.com. License cc-by-nc-nd.

3. Map (zoom-on-wheel and pan-on-drag)

map © victor@oktogonia.com. All rights reserved.